Friday, October 16, 2009

Store Closed

When the Food Shortage Gets Local

Why are food banks experiencing food shortages?With high gas prices, increasing food prices and a turbulent and uncertain economy, food banks across the country are running out of food. Why are food banks experiencing food shortages? Food banks are usually equipped to deal with low-income families but are simply not prepared for the number of middle class families that have started to ask for help. As more and more families, “working families”, ask for help, food banks are not receiving enough donations to replenish their supplies.
One of the largest food banks in the United States, St. Mary’s Food Bank in Arizona, experienced a food shortage in September as shelves emptied faster than they could supply.
In Indiana, the Kokomo Salvation Army food pantry had to temporarily close because of food shortages. The food pantry has been swarmed by families who have never had the need to come to the pantry before this year.

In California, the Richmond Salvation Amy food bank reported a severe food shortage because of the sudden surge in families needing assistance. Other food banks and pantries across the nation have experienced similar increases in people seeking assistance, causing supplies to vanish quickly.

With the winter months drawing near, food banks are attempting to stock up in order to prepare for the increasing number of mouths to feed. In the past, food banks have survived on donations but with the slowing economy, people are struggling to provide for their own needs, deciding to pay rent or utility bills instead. Thus the donations have dramatically decreased and food banks across the nation are pleading with people to donate whatever they can.

With food shortages possible for most of the globe, resources will become scarce and the big question is what will happen when long-term food shortages threaten food pantries who feed hundreds of thousands of families across the United States? What will it be like when communities can’t help out their hungry neighbor? What will happen when families can’t provide enough food for their children, their loved ones or even themselves?

Faced with a difficult time before us, take notice and begin preparing your own family for possible food shortages. Don’t depend on Wal-Mart or Sam’s to bail you out. Start stocking up with the essentials such as water and canned foods. If you have a garden, take advantage and dehydrate or can your fruits and vegetables. Believe me, in the event of a food shortage, you don’t want to have to compete for what’s left at the local food pantry.

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